We all have relationships—no one lives in a vacuum—and each of us also has a relationship with the Supreme Person,Krishna. Our basic relationship with Krishna is that of parts to the whole: God is great; we're small.
He is like the sun, the ocean, or fire; we're like the sun's rays, drops of the ocean, or sparks of the fire.
Ultimately, God is the source of our existence, and we're all parts of His energy. As such, we all have an inseparable relationship with Him.
How we relate with Him is up to us. Most people in this material world are trying to forget God entirely. The Prema-vivartaand other Vedic writings say that we've come here in the first place because we want to forget God, or Krishna, and He allows us to do that. He doesn't interfere with our free will. He keeps Himself out of sight, maintains us at a distance, and provides all our necessities of life while patiently waiting for us to turn towards Him again.