Tuesday 28 July 2015

Dr.Kalam : The Missile man

Nobody could have put it better. Kalam the missile man was the embodiment of every Indian ideal. His rags-to-success story made him an achiever against insurmountable odds; contribution to Indian defence and military gave him the aura of a nationalist; conduct in the Rashtrapati Bhawan turned him into a People's President-- a People's Prince type epithet that instantly gave the West a measure of his popularity; and his inspiring speeches and books made him a hero of the youth and children.
As a son, student, scientist, President, teacher, preacher, poet, writer, aficionado of classical Indian music, inspiration for a film (I am Kalam) and the new Chacha of children of India, Kalam lived an all Indian dream.

Tuesday 7 July 2015


In a nation where cricket's a religion, MS Dhoni's achievements make him a superstar in his own right. His legacy of being the only skipper in the world to win the World T20, the ODI World Cup and the Champions Trophy, will be very hard to emulate in the future. His calm composure, his mental strength during tough situations make him one of the coolest customers in the game. He has some big admirers, not just off the field, but on the field as well. Let's take a look at some of the best quotes on arguably India's most successful captain.


some people feel msd as  guy who has luck rather than talent.but, I think its a blunder because  his passion and affinity towards the game of cricket will make him one of the great player cricket have ever seen ..


Thursday 11 June 2015

Sanjukta Parashar- the most badass Indian woman we know.

An 85th ranker in the UPSC exam and yet chose to be an IPS officer to fight against the Bodo militants of Assam. Born and brought up in Assam, she is a JNU, New Delhi pass out with a M.Phil and Phd in US foreign policy. Now an SP of Assam Jorhat District, Sanjukta regularly leads CRPF jawans in treacherous reserve forests of the terror-infested region, and has been immensely successful in full-blown bullet-for-bullet crackdowns. Sanjukta Parashar, is doing what even the toughest dread to face. She is definitely one of the most badass Indian woman we know of.

I think that we need a lot of guys like her so that we can do our best for our country and our people..
let us take her as an example and should develop humongous

Thursday 12 March 2015

Why does Krishna keep flute with him?

Why does Krishna keep flute with him?
Lord Krishna is expert in 16 aspects. His personality encompasses different aspects of life. These include His rasa dance and the flute. It is believed that He started playing flute when He was taking the calves to the forest. In the book Radha Madhav Chintan it is stated that all the Gopis contacted the flute and asked her what type of austerities it has performed that it is always in contact with Krishna's transcendental lips. "You always enjoy the nectar from His lips. You make Him dance and make Him stand on one leg. When He fiddles you with His fingers it seems He is massaging your legs. He makes you sleep on His hands and His lips are your pillows. When His hairs fly in the breeze it seems they are fanning you. Even Radharani expressed Her envy as She thought that Krishna loves the flute more than Her.
The flute replied," I got my body cut. The they drilled me and made me hollow and then they made holes in me and the real secret is that I surrendered to Him and allowed Him to play on me as He wants. The difference between me and you is that I go by Krishna's desire and you all want Krishna to act as per your desire.
Note: There are three reasons for Krishna's love for the flute.
a. The flute has no knots - means she is very straight. No complexity. No feeling of revenge or gettingbackatadversities.
b. She makes sound only when played - means no useless talk.
c, Whenever it produces sound it is always sweet. If we also develop these qualities we can also become dear to Krishna.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Neela Chakra

The metal wheel at the top of Lord Jagannath temple is known as Neela Chakra (Blue Wheel). The wheel is made of eight metals comprising of iron, copper, zinc, mercury, lead, brass, silver and gold. It's circumferance is about 36 feet and it is so designed that there is a wheel within the wheel. The circumferance of the inner wheel is about 26 feet. Eight hubs join together the inner and the outer wheels. There are decorative designs on the outer wheel. The thickness of the Neela Chakra is 2 inches.
The wheel is said to be Lord Vishnu's most powerful weapon, Sudarshana Chakra (disk). Inside Lord Jagannath temple, Lord Vishnu's wheel is also worshipped in the name of 'Sudarshana'. But inside the temple Sudarshana is not in the shape of a wheel, but in the shape of a small wood pillar placed to the left of image of Lord Jagannath. It is believed that the same Sudarshana is also at the top of the temple and is known by the name of Neela Chakra. There is a specific category of people among the temple sevayats to serve the Neela Chakra and they are known as Garuda Sevaka or Chunara Nejoga. The pilgrims hold these sevayats in high esteem because everyday at Sunset the Garuda Sevakas climb to the top of 214 feet high temple to fasten flags , offered by the devotees, on the bamboo mast attached to the Neela Chakra. The pole attached to the Neela Chakra is 38 feet long. After covering the breadth of the Neela Chakra, this pole extends 25 feet high above it.

Weight          2200 kg 
Height          11'8"
Diameter      7'6"
Thickness of Paridhi          
2 inch
Width of Paridhi                9 inch
Diameter of central circle    2'6"
Number of wheel bars         8
Length of each wheel bar     1'10"

The pilgrims consider it an act of holiness to offer flags for the Jagannath temple. Everyday the Garuda Sevaka carries number of big and small flags to the top of the temple. The flags are either deep red or yellow in colour, but a crescent moon and a sun in white colour cloth deck the centre of a flag. The length of the flag varies from 1 feet to 25 feet and may be more. A devotee has to pay to the temple committee a certain price to tie the flag and the price is determined by the length of a flag.
The sevayat before climbing the temple must dress himself in proper clothings. He wears silk cloth and the upper part of his body remains bare. He ties the flags, offered by the devotees, around his waist which he has to tie on the mast that day. He also carries a wooden stick in his hand and sets out to climb the temple. The stick in hand is meant to be used against the monkeys who may attack. He climbs so swiftly that within minutes he is seen at the crest of the dancing hall of the main temple. From here he has to climb about a hundred feet steep wall to reach the Neela Chakra. He climbs this wall in a very peculiar manner, his back to the wall and his two outstretched legs on two raised parts of the wall. After climbing the body of the temple he reaches the head of the temple. This part is orange-shaped and it is impossible to climb this without any help. There is a device made of iron rings and a rope attached permanently on the head of the temple and He reaches the Neela chakra with the help of this.
The entire breath taking exercise of reaching the Neela Chakra from the temple floor takes around 20 minutes. After climbing the Neela Chakra, he removes the old flags from the pole and ties the new ones.
The Blue Wheel, at the top of 214 feet high Jagannath Temple, serves very practical purpose technically by protecting the high rise temple from thunder strokes and lighting. The eight metal alloy has the capacity to absorb the ferocity of thunder bolts and thus the gigantic stone-moment remains unharmed. There is a four-inch wide metal-plate which serves as an earthing, it connects the wheel and a well in the southern side of the temple, close to the Goddess Vimala temple. This metal plate is about 300 feet long.

Monday 2 February 2015


How Udupi King fed the Kurukshetra warriors:
Five thousand years ago, the Kurukshetra war, between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, was the mother of all battles. All the kings – hundreds of them – aligned themselves on one side or the other. The king of Udupi (Coastal Karnataka) however chose to remain neutral. He spoke to Krishna and said, ‘Those who fight battles have to eat. I will be the caterer for this battle.’ Many of the Udupi people are caterers even today.
No wastage :
The battle lasted 18 days, and every day, thousand soldiers died. So the Udupi king had to cook that much less food, otherwise it would go waste. The amazing thing was that every day, the food was exactly enough for all the soldiers and no food was wasted. After a few days, people were amazed, ‘How is he managing to cook the exact amount of food!’ No one could know how many people had died on any given day.
Krishna’s maya :
When someone asked the kind of Udupi, ‘How do you manage this?’ the king replied, ‘Every night I go to Krishna’s tent. Krishna likes to eat boiled groundnuts in the night so I peel them and keep them in a bowl. After he is done I count how many nuts has he eaten. If it’s 10 peanuts, I know tomorrow 10,000 people will be dead. So the next day when I cook lunch, I cook for 10,000 people less.

Friday 30 January 2015

After Watching BABY movie.

The whole world vision towards India has changed , in this changed perspective doesn't our intelligence and counter terrorism method too need a change ?

It is surprising that this movie BABY comes in the time of our new national security adviser Mr Ajit Doval talking about "offensive defense" mechanism ie when we simply 'defend' ourselves 10 out of 100 stones sent by our enemies hit us , 'offensive defense' is when we strike at the "source' of the 100 stones and neutralize it .BABY is a movie which showcases this changing perspective in India , it does it brilliantly with fast paced action, amazing sequences that keep your heart racing all through out the movie.This movie is far ahead of D Day in the sheer brilliant way it is executed.

There is no rhetoric and no beating about the bush in the movie , the movie is fast not dark , smart not rhetorical and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Guys hope you will enjoy the film.. I enjoyed alot...
Jai Hind...